Synchrotron IR-microspectroscopy-based visualization of molecular and chemical interactions between dental cement, biomimetic composite and native dental tissue

Goloshchapov DL1, Kashkarov VM1, Ippolitov YuA2, Ippolitov IYu2, Vongsvivut Jitraporn3, Seredin PV1
About authors

1 Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

2 Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh, Russia

3 Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, Australia

Correspondence should be addressed: Pavel V. Seredin
Universitetskaya pl.1, Voronezh, 394018; ur.usv.syhp@luap

About paper

Funding: the study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 16-15-00003).

Acknowledgment: IR microspectroscopy was conducted at the Australian Synchrotron.

Author contribution: Goloshchapov DL planned the study, analyzed the literature, collected and interpreted the obtained data; Kashkarov VM collected, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; Ippolitov YuA planned the study, prepared the samples, collected and analyzed the data; Ippolitov IYu prepared the samples; Jitraporn Vongsvivut conducted IR microspectroscopy; Seredin PV planned the study, analyzed the literature, collected, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data, and conducted IR microspectroscopy.

Received: 2019-07-18 Accepted: 2019-07-31 Published online: 2019-08-01

The low affinity of composite materials for the hard tissue of human teeth poses a challenge to restorative dentists. This study was undertaken to explore molecular and chemical characteristics of the interface between the dental cement, the buffer layer formed from a next generation biomimetic material that mimics the organic mineral composition of human enamel and dentin, and the intact native hard dental tissue. Seven plane-parallel dental slices were analyzed using synchrotron IR microspectroscopy. The obtained absorption spectra of functional molecular groups were organized into cluster maps. This allowed us to identify the intact tissue, the adhesive agent and the biomimetic layer at their interface and to localize and measure concentrations of functional groups involved in the integration of the biomimetic composite into the hard tissue of the human tooth. The proposed biomimetic material is based on nanocrystal carbonate-substituted calcium hydroxyapatite synthesized from a biogenic calcium source and a complex of basic polar amino acids copying the composition of the human tooth and can form a functional bond with hard dental tissue.

Keywords: biomimetic materials, native human tooth hard tissue, IR microspectroscopy, synchrotron radiation