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Synchrotron IR-microspectroscopy-based visualization of molecular and chemical interactions between dental cement, biomimetic composite and native dental tissue

Goloshchapov DL1, Kashkarov VM1, Ippolitov YuA2, Ippolitov IYu2, Vongsvivut Jitraporn3, Seredin PV1
About authors

1 Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

2 Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh, Russia

3 Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, Australia

Correspondence should be addressed: Pavel V. Seredin
Universitetskaya pl.1, Voronezh, 394018; ur.usv.syhp@luap

About paper

Funding: the study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 16-15-00003).

Acknowledgment: IR microspectroscopy was conducted at the Australian Synchrotron.

Author contribution: Goloshchapov DL planned the study, analyzed the literature, collected and interpreted the obtained data; Kashkarov VM collected, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; Ippolitov YuA planned the study, prepared the samples, collected and analyzed the data; Ippolitov IYu prepared the samples; Jitraporn Vongsvivut conducted IR microspectroscopy; Seredin PV planned the study, analyzed the literature, collected, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data, and conducted IR microspectroscopy.

Received: 2019-07-18 Accepted: 2019-07-31 Published online: 2019-08-01
Fig. 1. The optical image of a plane-parallel dental segment from the interface between the dental cement, the biomimetic composite material, enamel and dentin (A) sized 100×200 μm; the 20× optical image of the studied interface (B); the typical IR absorption spectrum from the studied interface (C); the IR map of total absorbance compiled from the IR microspectroscopy data array (D)
Fig. 2. А. The IR absorbance map based on the color codes for absorbance intensity at 1163–981 cm–1. B. The IR absorption spectrum of the enamel area containing a characteristic phosphate vibrational mode at 1163–981 cm–1
Fig. 3. А. The IR absorbance map based on the color codes for absorbance intensity at 1718–1358 cm–1. B. The IR absorption spectrum containing vibrational modes of CN, NH, C=O, and CH2/CH3 groups at 1718–1358 cm–1
Fig. 4. А. The IR absorbance map based on the color codes for absorbance intensity at 1752–1704 cm–1. B. The IR absorption spectrum containing a vibrational mode of the ester group (–COOCH3) at 1752–1704 cm–1
Fig. 5. А. The IR absorbance map based on the color codes for Amide III absorbance intensity at 1269–1224 cm–1. B. The IR absorption spectrum of the enamel area containing a characteristic phosphate vibrational mode at 1269–1224 cm–1
Fig. 6. Cluster analysis of absorption bands at 1760–1690 cm–1 and 1520–1360 cm–1 delineating the biomimetic composite area