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Cerebral cortex activation during the Sternberg verbal working memory task

Bakulin IS1, Zabirova AH1, Kopnin PN1, Sinitsyn DO1, Poydasheva AG1, Fedorov MV2, Gnedovskaya EV1,2, Suponeva NA1, Piradov MA1
About authors

1 Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia

2 Skoltech, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ilya S. Bakulin
Volokolamskoye shosse, 80, Moscow, 125367; ur.ygoloruen@nilukab

About paper

Author contribution: Bakulin IS, Fedorov MV, Gnedovskaya EV, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA — study planning and design; Bakulin IS, Zabirova AH — literature analysis; Bakulin IS, Poydasheva AG — data acquisition; Zabirova AH, Kopnin PN, Sinitsyn DO — data analysis; Bakulin IS, Zabirova AH, Sinitsyn DO, Fedorov MV, Gnedovskaya EV, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA — data interpretation; Bakulin IS, Zabirova AH — manuscript draft preparation; Kopnin PN, Sinitsyn DO, Poydasheva AG, Fedorov MV, Gnedovskaya EV, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA — manuscript draft editing; all the authors — final version of the article preparation.

Received: 2020-01-22 Accepted: 2020-02-22 Published online: 2020-03-01
Fig. 1. fMRI with the modified Sternberg task for verbal memory (delayed item recognition task)
Fig. 2. Graphical depiction of significant activation regions on the cerebral cortex convexital surface during three periods of task compared with rest state (clusters containing more than 100 voxels are shown). А — encoding period; B — maintenance period; C — retrieval period. Left to right: top view, right view, left view. Color bars display the T-statistics level
Fig. 3. Comparison of activation map during the maintenance period with FPCN. FPCN is the fronto-parietal control network (according to [24])
Fig. 4. Temporal dynamics of BOLD signal intensity change in the clusters of activation in the left middle frontal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobule and left middle occipital gyrus, averaged over all participants and task blocks. All regions are shown on the surface of the left hemisphere. Solid line — periodically interpolated simulated signal, dashed line — filtered measured signal corrected for non-sphericity and head motion. The BOLD signal intensity is measured in arbitrary units. The origin corresponds to the rest state at the beginning of the block. Interpretation of these data in terms of neuronal events involved the subtraction of 5 seconds from the onsets of BOLD events to account for the hemodynamic delay
Table 1. Regions of significant activation during the encoding period of the modified Sternberg task for verbal working memory
Note: MNI — Montreal Neurological Institute, FWE — family-wise error, T — T-statistics, D (dexter) — right, S (sinister) — left.
Table 2. Regions of significant activation during the maintenance period of the modified Sternberg task for verbal working memory
Note: MNI — Montreal Neurological Institute, FWE — family-wise error, T — T-statistics, D (dexter) — right, S (sinister) — left.
Table 3. Regions of significant activation during the retrieval period of the modified Sternberg task for verbal working memory
Note: MNI — Montreal Neurological Institute, FWE — family-wise error, T — T-statistics, D (dexter) — right, S (sinister) — left.