The role of some xenobiotic biotransformation genes SNP in the development of acute pancreatitis

Samgina TA, Nazarenko PM, Polonikov AV, Lazarenko VA
About authors

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Tatiana A. Samgina
K. Marksa, 3, 305000; Kursk, ur.tsil@ssat

About paper

Author contribution: Samgina TA conceived and designed the study, conducted clinical and molecular-genetic tests, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data, and wrote the manuscript; Nazarenko PM supervised surgical treatment and postoperative care at Kursk City Clinical Hospital № 4 and recruited patients for the study; Polonikov AV supervised genetic testing; Lazarenko VA supervised the study.

Received: 2020-01-05 Accepted: 2020-02-08 Published online: 2020-02-16
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