Systemic inflammation markers of diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rat model

Birulina JG, Voronkova OV, Ivanov VV, Buyko EE, Shcherbakova MM, Chernyshov NA, Motlokhova EA
About authors

Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Julia G. Birulina
Moskovsky Trakt, 2, str. 7, Tomsk, 634050, Russia; ur.xednay@02anilurib

About paper

Funding: the study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant № 22-25-20039, https://rscf.ru/project/22-25-20039/ and funds of the Tomsk Region Administration.

Author contribution: Birulina JG, Voronkova OV — concept and design, manuscript writing; Ivanov VV, Buyko EE — metabolic syndrome modeling, biochemical blood tests; Shcherbakova MM — blood cytokine assay; Chernyshov NA — literature analysis, hemogram tests; Motlokhova EA — statistical analysis.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by Ethical Review Board at SibSMU (Protocol № 8201 of 27 March 2020) and carried out in compliance with humanity principles stated in the 86/609 EEC Directive and the Declaration of Helsinki.

Received: 2022-08-11 Accepted: 2022-08-25 Published online: 2022-08-30
Table 1. Physiological parameters and biochemical markers of metabolic syndrome in rats
Note: The data are given as M ± SD; AUC0–120 is the area under curve of glucose concentration on time (glucose tolerance test); р-values characterize experimental vs control group comparisons.
Table 2. Hematological parameters for experimental and control groups
Note: The data are given as Me (Q25; Q75); р-values characterize experimental vs control group comparisons.
Table 3. Blood cytokine levels for experimental and control groups
Note: The data are given as Me (Q25; Q75); р-values characterize experimental vs control group comparisons.