Apoptosis of granulosa cells in women with impaired reproductive function and extragenital pathology

Rogova LN1, Lipov DS1, Perfilova VN2, Kustova MV1, Mukhina AV3, Churzin DA1
About authors

1 Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd, Russia

2 Innovative Medicines R&D and Piloting Center, Volgograd, Russia

3 Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Multidisciplinary Clinic No. 1, Volgograd, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Danil S. Lipov
Vysokaya, 18a, Volgograd, 400127, Russia; ur.xednay@vopillinad

About paper

Author contribution: LN Rogova — study planning, data analysis and interpretation; DS Lipov — manuscript authoring, analysis of the study data; VN Perfilova, MV Kustova — determination of the level of apoptosis in granulosa cells by flow cytometry; AV Mukhina — collection of the granulosa cell samples from patients; DA Churzin — analysis of the published papers, statistical processing of the obtained data.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Volgograd State Medical University (Minutes № 2021/053 of May 27, 2021) and conducted in compliance with the ethics principles of the WMA Declaration of Helsinki (2000). All donors have voluntarily signed the participant consent forms.

Received: 2023-05-12 Accepted: 2023-06-07 Published online: 2023-06-17
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