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Emerging prediction of preeclampsia based on the expression of exosomal SUMO proteins

About authors

Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Vladoslava A. Gusar
Akademika Oparina, 4, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.liam@rasug_v

About paper

Funding: the study was supported by the RSF grant [22-15-00363 “Epigenetic and biochemical aspects of abnormal pregnancy in disturbances of the trophoblast invasive properties: from early diagnosis to prevention of maternal and perinatal morbidity”].

Author contribution: Gusar VA, Timofeeva AV — study concept; Fedorov IS — statistical analysis, graphic design; Gusar VA, Tarasova AM — research procedure (western blotting); Sukhova YuV, Ivanets TYu — providing the clinical basis, assessment of hormones; Gusar VA — data analysis/interpretation, manuscript writing; Timofeeva AV — editing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (protocol № 13 dated 12 October 2015); the informed consent was obtained from all the patients enrolled.

Received: 2024-01-29 Accepted: 2024-02-20 Published online: 2024-02-29
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the study population
Fig. 2. Western blot of membrane with conjugated exosomal forms of SUMO 1 (A), SUMO 2/3/4 (B), UBC9 (C) and hnRNPA2/B1 (D) in pregnant women with subsequently developed early-onset PE (EPE), late-onset PE (LPE), and physiological pregnancy (PP)
Fig. 3. Comparative analysis of SUMO 1 (A), SUMO 2/3/4 (B), UBC9 (C) and hnRNPA2/B1 (D) expression in exosomes in pregnant women with physiological pregnancy (PP), who subsequently developed early-onset PE (EPE), late-onset PE (LPE), and high risk of PE (HRPE). Total densitometry of proteins was quantified and normalized to loading control sample. Data presented in the format Me (Q1; Q3); *: significance level p ≤ 0.05 when compared with PP
Fig. 4. Comparative analysis of SUMO 1 (A), SUMO 2/3/4 (B), UBC9 (C) and hnRNPA2/B1 (D) expression in placental tissue in pregnant women with early-onset (EPE) and late-onset (LPE) PE, and age-matched controls (N < 34, N > 34). Total densitometry of proteins was quantified and normalized to loading control actin. Data presented in the format Me (Q1; Q3); *: significance level p ≤ 0,05 ≤ 0.05 when compared with age-matched controls
Fig. 5. ROC curves for a logistic model for the risk assessment of РЕ at early gestation by SUMO 1–4, UBC9 and hnRNPA2/B1 expression in exosomes (A–D). EPE is early-onset PE; LPE is late-onset PE; HRPE is high risk of PE; PP is physiological pregnancy
Table 1. The clinical characteristics of pregnant women (cohort I)
Note: EPE is early-onset preeclampsia; LPE is late-onset preeclampsia; PP is physiological pregnancy; PlGF is a placental growth factor; sFLT-1 is a soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1; РАРР-А is a pregnancy-associated protein A; b-HCG is a human chorionic gonadotropin, subunit b; CRL is a crown-to-rump length; NTS is a nuchal translucency scan; PI UtA is a Pulsatility Index of the uterine artery; PI DV is a Pulsatility Index of ductus venosus; IP is an intrauterine pneumonia; IVH is an intraventricular hemorrhage; RDS is a respiratory distress syndrome; The median (Me) and quartiles Q1, Q3 in the format Me (Q1–Q3) were used in the case of non-normal distribution.
Table 2. The clinical characteristics of pregnant women (cohort II)
Note: EPE is early-onset preeclampsia; LPE is late-onset preeclampsia; NA here means “not analyzed”; VLBW is very low birth weight; The median (Me) and quartiles Q1, Q3 in the format Me (Q1 –Q3 ) were used in the case of non-normal distribution.
Table 3. The results of a correlation of protein expression in exosomes with indices of combined prenatal screening of pregnant women with early-onset and late-onset PE
Note: * r is a Spearman rank correlation coefficient; * * p is the statistical significance of correlation; Ns is not statistically significant.
Table 4. Predictive values with parameters of logistic models for SUMO 1–4, UBC9 and hnRNPA2/B1
Note: EPE is early-onset PE; LPE is late-onset PE; HRPE is high risk of PE; PP is physiological pregnancy; AUC is area under curve