Antiphospholipid antibodies and outcomes of assisted reproductive technology programs in patients with a history of COVID-19

Ermakova DM, Dolgushina NV, Menzhinskaya IV, Lomova NA, Vtorushina VV
About authors

Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Irina V. Menzhinskaya
Akademika Oparina, 4, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.4anirapo@ayaksniznem_i

About paper

Funding: the work was supported by the Vklad v buduscheye (Investment in the Future) charity foundation as part of the Stop Coronavirus Together program-campaign.

Author contribution: Ermakova DM, Lomova NA — management of patients participating in the study, article authoring; Dolgushina NV — collection and analysis of literature data, manuscript editing, statistical data analysis; Menzhinskaya IV — execution of the laboratory part of the study, article authoring and editing; Vtorushina VV — execution of the laboratory part of the study

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (Minutes of meeting № 12 of November 26, 2020); all patients signed an informed voluntary consent to participation in the study.

Received: 2022-09-07 Accepted: 2022-09-30 Published online: 2022-10-31
Table 1. Serum aPL level growth incidence in the study groups
Note: abs (%), χ2 test; * — comparison of groups 1 and 2; ** — comparison of group 1 and subgroups 2a and 2b.
Table 2. The average level of blood serum aPL, both study groups
Note: Mе (Q25–Q75), тест Манна–Уитни или Краскела–Уоллиса; * — при сравнении групп 1 и 2, ** — при сравнении группы 1 и подгрупп 2а и 2б.